Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Goldfish Club

The 447th started flying their missions in late December 1943 and by the end of the war in May 1945 (roughly 17 mos.) had lost 97 aircraft. Approximately 490 aircrews cycled through Rattlesden while it was assigned to the ETO.

According to the records in “Bits and Pieces” there were only two 447th planes that ditched where the entire crew was recovered and returned to the base safely—Henningsen’s (Aug 25, 1944) and Tetreault’s (Nov 2, 1944).

Before Henningsen went into the water in late August, the 447th had lost 68 B-17s, or the equivalent of 113% of the entire Group during their first 8-months in the ETO. Only 23 airmen had been picked up and returned from those 68 downed planes. During the 9-weeks between the 2 ditchings, the 447th lost 7 more planes and no one returned from those aircraft.

After Tetreault returned, the 447th flew missions for another 6-7 months. About 20 additional aircraft were lost during those months and only 2 more airmen were returned to the base from those 20. These numbers are gleaned from old, imprecise records and can be considered as close estimates, but are by no means exact.